Council Meeting


Minutes 01/17/2023


4820 N. Wardwell Industrial Ave., Bar Nunn, Wyoming

View PDF – Minutes 01-17-23

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 – 7:00 P.M.
4820 N. Wardwell Industrial Avenue,
Bar Nunn, Wyoming

1)  Roll Call: Mayor Peter Boyer called the meeting to order Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. The roll was called which determined the presence of a quorum.
Present: Mayor, Peter Boyer. Councilmembers: Steven Clark and Tyler Martin.
Video Conference: Mary Sue Sorenson


2)  Pledge of Allegiance: The Town Council and all those present stood in service to the United States Flag and pledged allegiance to the United States of America.


3)  Minutes of January 3, 2023: Moved by Steven Clark, seconded by Tyler Martin, and carried without dissent to approve the minutes for January 3, 2023.


4)  Balance Sheet, Detailed Income Statement & Trial Balance (Financial Reports) for the period ending December 2022: Moved by Steven Clark, seconded by Tyler Martin, and carried without dissent to approve the Balance Sheet, Budget Income Statement & Trial Balance (Financial Reports) for the period ending December 2022.


5)  Resolution No. 2023-06: “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF UTILITY BILLING SOFTWARE: SOLUS BY JAYHAWK IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,448.00.” Moved by Tyler Martin, seconded by Steven Clark, and carried without dissent to approve Resolution No. 2023-06.


6)  Resolution No. 2023-07: “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO A STATE LAND INVESTMENT BOARD APPLICATION FOR PURPOSES OF OBTAINING A GRANT PERTAINING TO THE TOWN HALL/RECREATIONAL CENTER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT.” Discussion regarding clarification of the amount requested in the application followed. Attorney Holscher and Town Engineer, Ray Catellier concurred with a recommendation of $1,000,000. Mary Sue Sorenson asked for clarification of funds previously applied for including loans. Currently, the Town has applied for and been granted $450,000 from (SLIB) and $250,000 from the Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board. Additionally, the Town has applied for a $500,000 loan from (SLIB) and will pursue a grant from the Daniel’s Fund Organization. Moved by Tyler Martin, seconded by Steven Clark, and carried without dissent to approve Resolution No. 2023-07.


7)  Attorney’s Report: A written report was submitted to the Mayor and council. Town Attorney, Patrick Holscher was available via video conference for council questions or comments with Town Attorney Representative, Elizabeth Grill present for council questions or comments.

A. Amendment Consideration: Title 2

A discussion was opened by Mayor Boyer regarding the matter of councilmember attendance as referenced in Ordinance Title 2: Administration and Personnel. Mayor Boyer stated a request by council member Mary Sue Sorenson was submitted via email to continue attendance for council meetings via video conference through April 2023. The current ordinance allows a council member to attend council meetings remotely up to (5) times. Attorney Holscher provided the council with an overview of the current ordinance and the options available to the council regarding Ms. Sorenson’s request.

Request resignation of council member

Amendment of Title 2- requires 3 readings to amend.

Act under the present ordinance, grant additional leave, and appear remotely through a specific calendar

Discussion regarding the importance of Ms. Sorenson’s time, efforts, and valued contributions to the council followed. Town staff inquired how financial oversight and required signatures would be handled. Discussion followed. Attorney Holscher and Attorney Grill recommended counterpart signatures for authoritative documents and financial oversight documents be addressed upon Ms. Sorenson’s return. Ms. Sorenson concurred. Mayor Boyer opened the floor for public comments. Resident, Jan Schoolcraft concurred with the council’s comments on the valued contributions of Ms. Sorenson and was in favor of granting the additional leave. Ms. Schoolcraft noted there is currently a council seat vacancy, and any absence of a council member would impede the Town from conducting business. Resident, Andrea Boyer stated Zoom attendance has not worked very well. Ms. Sorenson has not been able to do the job as previously provided. Ms. Boyer stated that the community which Ms. Sorenson represents expects her representation and any extended absence does not adhere to the current ordinance and contributes to the mistrust of people in government. Ms. Sorenson stated she is prepared in advance for each meeting including the upcoming budget sessions and referenced a former council member’s previous absence. Ms. Sorenson stated she is asking for the same consideration. Ms. Boyer stated the situations were not the same and the current ordinance was not in effect. Discussion regarding the handling of future leave requests followed. Mayor Boyer recommended the extension of remote participation for Ms. Sorenson and clarified the extension be granted as a one-time event. In the event further absences are required, a resignation will be requested by the council. Steven Clark recommended a one-time leave of absence with the stipulation that Ms. Sorenson is present for budget sessions beginning April 18, 2023. Tyler Martin concurred. Mr. Martin stated Ms. Sorenson’s situation is a difficult time in life and commended Mary Sue for her determination and diligence in carrying out her responsibilities. Moved by Steven Clark, seconded by Tyler Martin. Mary Sue Sorenson was recused. The motion carried without dissent to approve Mary Sue Sorenson to appear remotely thru the last calendar date of April 2023 with the exclusion of budget sessions.

In conclusion, Attorney Holscher stated the matter regarding Jerry Ressler and the bridle trail artifact will be readdressed at the next council meeting. Mayor Boyer clarified that Jerry Ressler will be contacted regarding the matter. Attorney Holscher stated he will contact Mr. Ressler.


8)  Engineer’s Report: Town Engineer, Ray Catellier was available via audio conference for council questions or comments. Mr. Catellier updated the council on the recent contractor bids received for the Community Center/Town Hall project. Mr. Catellier stated that (6) contractor bids were received and requested additional time to review them before recommending the bid award. Mr. Catellier emphasized a special meeting will be required to keep the project timeline. Discussion followed. Mayor Boyer recommended a special meeting of the council regarding the Community Center/Town Hall Project be scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 7:00 pm. Members of the council concurred.


9)  Code Enforcement Report: A written report was submitted. There were no questions or comments from the council.


10) Parks and Recreation Report: Chairman, Britany Freeman was present for council questions or comments. The next community event is scheduled for April 2023.


11) Petitions and Public Comment: Resident, Mike Schoolcraft stated the council made the right decision regarding Mary Sue Sorenson and the decision was well-founded. Resident Jan Schoolcraft asked for clarification regarding the current council seat vacancy deadline. Mayor Boyer stated the deadline is January 24, 2023. Mayor Boyer further clarified the council seat interviews will be done in a public work session. Discussion followed. The council seat interviews will be scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 6:00 pm.

Joseph Prambo asked for an update regarding the dissolution of the Wardwell Water & Sewer District. Mayor Boyer briefly described the dissolution process that Bar Nunn is currently working through.

  • Wardwell Water and Bar Nunn have agreed via an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) for the dissolution of Wardwell Water. The future of the District will be managed by Bar Nunn.
  • Cooperatively working with Attorneys, Engineers, Wardwell Water, and the Town of Bar Nunn.
  • CEPI is working to complete the GIS mapping of the District.
  • The Town Clerk is currently working with Wardwell Water in obtaining the data necessary to managefuture water billing.
  • Wardwell Water is obtaining information regarding the physical assets, i.e., equipment.
  • The Town of Bar Nunn is currently providing Water Operators for the District.
  • Present and Propose the County Commissioners to accept the dissolution.
  • A Special Election regarding the provision of water & sewer services by Bar Nunn is projected forMay/June 2023.


12) Council Miscellaneous:

A. Snowplow Discussion:

Maintenance Supervisor, Robert Hoover updated the council with information regarding necessary snowplow and Freightliner repairs. Discussion regarding the type of repairs including hydraulic rams, spool valves, and a hitch assembly, and budget appropriations followed. Resident, Ken Hume ask for information regarding the Town’s heavy equipment fleet and snow removal. Discussion regarding equipment limitations for removing snow vs moving snow followed.

B. Business Licenses Renewals: No. 2023-20 thru 2023-22

  • No. 2023-20: Lil Rascals, LLC-Nancy Jaure
  • No. 2023-21: McDonald Landscaping-Thomas McDonald
  • No. 2023-22: Shirk’s Sanitation-Jason SchierkolkMoved by Steven Clark, seconded by Tyler Martin, and carried without dissent to approve Business License Renewals: No. 2023-20 thru 2023-22.

C. Rate Increase: Sanitation Services

Mayor Boyer recommended a rate increase for trash services beginning in March 2023. Mayor Boyer reiterated the Town has absorbed the cost-of-service increase since September 2023. A rate increase of $3.00 is necessary to offset the cost of service for sanitation services. The 2023 rate adjustment is based on a cost-of-service increase to the Town of Bar Nunn. Discussion followed. To sustain and provide trash services to our residents the Mayor and Council decided to increase the monthly rates. The rate adjustment will help ensure the reliability and affordability of basic trash services for the community. Residents will receive notification of the rate increase in the February 2023 newsletter.

D. Fire Department: Proposal for Structure Engine ($717,895)

Robert Hoover presented the council with a proposal to place an order for one Structure Engine which will be funded by the Dino Solar Energy Project impact funds. The Dino Solar Energy Project is expected to begin in the Spring of 2024, with the expected date of completion for the project in 2026. The production of the Structure Engine is expected to take 734 days. Discussion regarding the cost and amount of the requested impact funds for the Structure Engine followed. Moved by Steven Clark, seconded by Tyler Martin to accept the bid from Rosenbauer in the amount of $717,895 with the Structure Engine to be delivered in 735 days from the order date.

E. Asphalt Patcher Update:

Robert Hoover updated the council with recent quotes for the Asphalt Patcher which is expected to be funded by the Anticline Wind Project. The Anticline Wind Project is expected to begin in the Spring of 2023. Discussion regarding the increase in cost from $80,000 to $95,400 for the asphalt patcher followed.

Attorney Holscher recommended the council determine what is required to request additional funds with the Industrial Siting Committee. Mayor Boyer requested Robert Hoover, Town Engineer, Ray Catellier, and the Town Clerk work cooperatively to provide the information required to request additional funding through the Industrial Siting Committee.


13) Adjournment: Moved by Steven Clark, seconded by Tyler Martin, and carried without dissent that there being no further business the meeting of January 17, 2023, be adjourned, at 8:45 P.M.

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